The Grand’s LGBTQ Interest Group Update for 2024

Since we are in the middle of our Annual Membership Drive, it seems fitting to share a group update with the Grand community. When we last wrote in The Grand LIFESTYLES, we were amid the Covid epidemic and like so many other groups, we struggled to remain connected. However, we did with thanks to the wonders of Zoom. Also, like so many other clubs and organizations have since experienced, it’s been a challenge to regroup and simply “pick up where we left off”.

Ever since our inception 8 years ago this March, The Grand’s LGBTQ Interest Group’s purpose remains unchanged. We intended to “create community and enhance the quality of life for our members and allies who are residents of Sun City Grand, together with our LGBTQ neighbors, seeking to be a positive presence in our region and throughout the State of Arizona”. Our Core Values are Community, Friendship, Equality, and Inclusion, and Having Fun. A recent member survey revealed that the opportunity to meet like-minded people in a social setting is indeed achieved. We continue our numerous social activities regularly; monthly breakfast club, potlucks, “Shout-Outs” (spontaneously organized activities), and the occasional outings. Ongoingly, we’ve contributed to and participated in various community efforts; volunteering at both local Food Banks, Surprise’s MLK Day events, Dysart School System, One-in-Ten Youth Advocacy Program, etc. As in any citizen group, members also participate in various local faith-based organizations, community programs and committees, and arts
organizations. We also support and remain connected with our neighboring West Valley LGBTQ Clubs and Groups as well.

We look forward to welcoming new friends to our shared community. So, if our group sounds interesting to you, and if you would like more information, find us on social media at Feel free to contact us by email at or
through our website at